Find below a list of all environment variables that can be set at launch to configure different portions of the application:
key | type | required |
BASE_URL | string | true |
PORT | number | true |
APP_SECRET | string | true |
key | type | required |
DB_HOST | string | true |
DB_USERNAME | string | true |
DB_PORT | number | true |
DB_DATABASE | string | true |
key | type | required |
QUEUE_DRIVER | 'sqs' or 'redis' or 'memory' | true |
AWS_SQS_QUEUE_URL | string | If driver is SQS |
AWS_REGION | string | If driver is SQS |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | string | If driver is SQS |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | string | If driver is SQS |
REDIS_HOST | string | If driver is Redis |
REDIS_PORT | string | If driver is Redis |
REDIS_TLS | boolean | false |
key | type | required |
REDIS_HOST | string | true |
REDIS_PORT | string | true |
REDIS_TLS | boolean | false |
REDIS_USERNAME | string | false |
REDIS_PASSWORD | string | false |
key | type | required |
STORAGE_BASE_URL | string | true |
STORAGE_DRIVER | 's3' or 'local' | true |
STORAGE_S3_BUCKET | string | If driver is S3 |
STORAGE_S3_ENDPOINT | string | false |
STORAGE_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE | boolean | false |
AWS_REGION | string | If driver is S3 |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | string | If driver is S3 |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | string | If driver is S3 |
key | type | required |
AUTH_DRIVER | 'basic', 'google', 'openid', 'saml' | true |
AUTH_BASIC_EMAIL | string | If driver is Basic |
AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD | string | If driver is Basic |
AUTH_BASIC_NAME | string | false |
AUTH_SAML_CALLBACK_URL | string | If driver is SAML |
AUTH_SAML_ENTRY_POINT_URL | string | If driver is SAML |
AUTH_SAML_ISSUER | string | If driver is SAML |
AUTH_SAML_CERT | string | If driver is SAML |
AUTH_SAML_IS_AUTHN_SIGNED | boolean | If driver is SAML |
AUTH_SAML_NAME | string | false |
AUTH_OPENID_ISSUER_URL | string | If driver is OpenID |
AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_ID | string | If driver is OpenID |
AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET | string | If driver is OpenID |
AUTH_OPENID_REDIRECT_URI | string | If driver is OpenID |
AUTH_OPENID_DOMAIN_WHITELIST | string | If driver is OpenID |
AUTH_OPENID_NAME | string | false |
AUTH_GOOGLE_ISSUER_URL | string | If driver is Google |
AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | string | If driver is Google |
AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | string | If driver is Google |
AUTH_GOOGLE_NAME | string | false |
key | type | required |
TRACKING_LINK_WRAP | boolean | false |