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Lets say you have a journey to send a user a reminder to check into their flight 24hrs before its departure. You can setup a journey to trigger when a Ticket Purchased event goes off, use the timestamp on that event for when the flight is scheduled to depart to configure a delay and then send a notification to the user with details from the original event data.

Journey Airline Example


  • Create a journey Entrance and set it to trigger bassed on an event (i.e. Ticket Purchased)
  • Set the Data Key parameter of this entrance to a value so you can reference this step later (i.e. entrance)
  • Add a Delay step and pick the Until Date type. For the value, use a Handlebars function to subtract one day from the date of the flight. To get this date, use the journey variable name and reference the data of the entrance by using its data key (i.e. entrance). So for example journey["entrance"].flight_data would get the value of flight_data from the step with Data Key entrance.
  • Create a Send step and build the email to go out. You can continue to reference the variable journey in the email you build to fill in details such as flight number, etc.